Yardstick Test Case Description: NSB vFW RFC3511 (HTTP)

NSB vFW test for VNF characterization based on RFC3511 and IXIA

test case id


  • context = baremetal, heat_external

  • http_size = 1b, 4k, 64k, 256k, 512k, 1024k payload size

  • type = Concurrency, Connections, Throughput


  • HTTP Total Throughput (Kbps);

  • HTTP Simulated Users;

  • HTTP Concurrent Connections;

  • HTTP Connection Rate;

  • HTTP Transaction Rate

test purpose

The vFW RFC3511 tests measure performance characteristics of the SUT by sending the HTTP traffic from uplink to downlink TG ports through vFW VNF. The application forwards received traffic based on rules provided by the user in the TC configuration and default rules created by vFW to send traffic from uplink ports to downlink and voice versa.


The 2 ports RFC3511 test cases are listed below:

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_1024k_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_1b_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_256k_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_4k_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_512k_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_64k_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_heat_external_http_ixload_1b_Requests-10Gbps _Throughput.yaml

  • tc_heat_external_http_ixload_1b_Requests-65000 _Concurrency.yaml

  • tc_heat_external_http_ixload_1b_Requests-65000 _Connections.yaml

The 4 ports RFC3511 test cases are listed below:

  • tc_baremetal_http_ixload_1b_Requests-65000 _Concurrency_4port.yaml

test tool

The vFW is a DPDK application that performs basic filtering for malformed packets and dynamic packet filtering of incoming packets using the connection tracker library.


The vFW RFC3511 test cases can be configured with different:

  • http payload sizes;

  • traffic flows;

  • rules;

Default values exist.

pre-test conditions

For OpenStack test case image (yardstick-samplevnf) needs to be installed into Glance with vFW and DPDK included in it (NSB install).

For Baremetal tests cases vFW and DPDK must be installed on the hosts where the test is executed. The pod.yaml file must have the necessary system and NIC information.

test sequence

Description and expected result

step 1

For Baremetal test: The vFW VNF is started on the hosts based on the pod file.

For Heat external test: The vFW VM are deployed and booted.

step 2

Yardstick is connected with the TG (IxLoad) via IxLoad API and VNF by using ssh. The test will resolve the topology and instantiate all VNFs and TG and collect the KPI’s/metrics.

step 3

The TG simulates HTTP traffic based on selected type of TC.


The TC attempts to simulate some number of human users. The simulated users are gradually brought online until 64K users is met (the Ramp-Up phase), then taken offline (the Ramp Down phase).


The TC creates some number of HTTP connections per second. It will attempt to generate the 64K of HTTP connections per second.


TC simultaneously transmits and receives TCP payload (bytes) at a certain rate measured in Megabits per second (Mbps), Kilobits per second (Kbps), or Gigabits per second. The 10 Gbits is default throughput.

At the end of the TC, the KPIs are collected and stored (depends on the selected dispatcher).

step 4

In Baremetal test: The test quits the application and unbinds the DPDK ports.

In Heat test: All VNF VMs are deleted and connections to TG are terminated.

test verdict

The test case will try to achieve the configured HTTP Concurrency/Throughput/Connections.