Yardstick Test Case Description: NSB VIMSΒΆ

NSB VIMS test for vIMS characterization

test case id


  • context = baremetal or heat;


  • Successful registrations per second;

  • Total number of active registrations per server;

  • Successful de-registrations per second;

  • Successful session establishments per second;

  • Total number of active sessions per server;

  • Mean session setup time;

  • Successful re-registrations per second;

test purpose

The vIMS test handles registration rate, call rate, round trip delay, and message statistics of vIMS system.

The vIMS test cases are implemented to run in baremetal and heat context default configuration.


The vIMS test cases are listed below:

  • tc_vims_baremetal_sipp.yaml

  • tc_vims_heat_sipp.yaml

Each test runs one time and collects all the KPIs. The configuration of vIMS and SIPp can be changed in each test.

test tool


SIPp is an application that can simulate SIP scenarios, can generate RTP traffic and used for vIMS characterization.


The SIPp test cases can be configured with different:

  • number of accounts;

  • the call per second (cps) of SIP test;

  • the holding time;

  • RTP configuratioin;

pre-test conditions

For Openstack test case, only vIMS is deployed by external heat template, SIPp needs pod.yaml file with the necessary system and NIC information

For Baremetal tests cases SIPp and vIMS must be installed in the hosts where the test is executed. The pod.yaml file must have the necessary system and NIC information

test sequence

description and expected result

step 1

For Baremetal test: The TG and VNF are started on the hosts based on the pod file.

For Heat test: One host VM for vIMS is booted, based on the test flavor. Another host for SIPp is booted as traffic generator, based on pod.yaml file

step 2

Yardstick is connected with the vIMS and SIPp via ssh. The test will resolve the topology, instantiate the vIMS and SIPp and collect the KPIs/metrics.

step 3

The SIPp will run scenario tests with parameters configured in test case files (tc_vims_baremetal_sipp.yaml and tc_vims_heat_sipp.yaml files). This is done until the KPIs of SIPp are within an acceptable threshold.

step 4

In Baremetal test: The test quits the application.

In Heat test: The host VM of vIMS is deleted on test completion.

test verdict

The test case will collect the KPIs and plot on Grafana.