Yardstick Test Case Description: NSB PROX Packet Buffering

NSB PROX test for NFVI characterization
test case id


  • context = baremetal or heat_context
  • port_num = 1
  • Network Throughput;
  • TG Packets Out;
  • TG Packets In;
  • VNF Packets Out;
  • VNF Packets In;
  • Dropped packets;
test purpose

This test measures the impact of the condition when packets get buffered, thus they stay in memory for the extended period of time, 125ms in this case.

The Packet Buffering test cases are implemented to run in baremetal and heat context.

The test runs only on the first port of the SUT.


The Packet Buffering test cases are listed below:

  • tc_prox_baremetal_buffering-1.yaml
  • tc_prox_heat_context_buffering-1.yaml

Test duration is set as 300sec for each test. The minimum packet size for Buffering test is 64 bytes. This is set in the traffic profile and can be configured to use a higher packet size for the test.

test tool PROX PROX is a DPDK application that can simulate VNF workloads and can generate traffic and used for NFVI characterization
The PROX Packet Buffering test cases can be configured with


  • packet sizes;
  • test durations;
  • tolerated loss;

Default values exist.

pre-test conditions

For Openstack test case image (yardstick-samplevnfs) needs to be installed into Glance with Prox and Dpdk included in it. The test need multi-queue enabled in Glance image.

For Baremetal tests cases Prox and Dpdk must be installed in the hosts where the test is executed. The pod.yaml file must have the necessary system and NIC information

test sequence description and expected result
step 1

For Baremetal test: The TG and VNF are started on the hosts based on the pod file.

For Heat test: Two host VMs are booted, as Traffic generator and VNF(Packet Buffering workload) based on the test flavor.

step 2 Yardstick is connected with the TG and VNF by using ssh. The test will resolve the topology and instantiate the VNF and TG and collect the KPI’s/metrics.
step 3

The TG will send packets to the VNF. If the number of dropped packets is more than the tolerated loss the line rate or throughput is halved. This is done until the dropped packets are within an acceptable tolerated loss.

The KPI in this test is the maximum number of packets that can be forwarded given the requirement that the latency of each packet is at least 125 millisecond.

step 4

In Baremetal test: The test quits the application and unbind the dpdk ports.

In Heat test: Two host VMs are deleted on test completion.

test verdict The test case will achieve a Throughput with an accepted minimal tolerated packet loss.