Yardstick Test Case Description: NSB vCMTSΒΆ

NSB Pktgen test for vCMTS characterization
test case id tc_vcmts_k8s_pktgen
  • Upstream Processing (Per Service Group);
  • Downstream Processing (Per Service Group);
  • Upstream Throughput;
  • Downstream Throughput;
  • Platform Metrics;
  • Power Consumption;
  • Upstream Throughput Time Series;
  • Downstream Throughput Time Series;
  • System Summary;
test purpose
  • The vCMTS test handles service groups and packet generation containers setup, and metrics collection.
  • The vCMTS test case is implemented to run in Kubernetes environment with vCMTS pre-installed.

The vCMTS test case configurable values are listed below

  • num_sg: Number of service groups (Upstream/Downstream
    container pairs).
  • num_tg: Number of Pktgen containers.
  • vcmtsd_image: vCMTS container image (feat/perf).
  • qat_on: QAT status (true/false).

num_sg and num_tg values should be configured in the test case file and in the topology file.

test tool Intel vCMTS Reference Dataplane Reference implementation of a DPDK-based vCMTS (DOCSIS MAC) dataplane in a Kubernetes-orchestrated Linux Container environment.

This test cases can be configured with different:

  • Number of service groups
  • Number of Pktgen instances
  • QAT offloading
  • Feat/Perf Images for performance or features (more data collection)

Default values exist.

pre-test conditions Intel vCMTS Reference Dataplane should be installed and runnable on 2 nodes Kubernetes environment with modifications to the containers to allow yardstick ssh access, and the ConfigMaps from the original vCMTS package deployed.
test sequence description and expected result
step 1 Yardstick is connected to the Kubernetes Master node using the configuration file in /etc/kubernetes/admin.yaml
step 2 The TG containers are created and started on the traffic generator server (Master node), While the VNF containers are created and started on the data plan server.
step 3 Yardstick is connected with the TG and VNF by using ssh. to start vCMTS-d, and Pktgen.
step 4

Yardstick connects to the running Pktgen instances to start generating traffic using the configurations from:


and connects to the vCMTS-d containers to start the upstream and downstream processing using the configurations from:

step 5 Yardstick copies vCMTS metrics regularly from the remote InfluxDB (deployed by the vCMTS Package) to the local Yardstick InfluxDB as configured in the options section in the test case file.
test verdict None. The test case will collect the KPIs and plot on Grafana.