Yardstick Test Case Description TC079

Storage Performance
test case id OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC079_Bonnie++
metric Sequential Input/Output and Sequential/Random Create speed and CPU useage.
test purpose The purpose of TC078 is to evaluate the IaaS storage performance with regards to Sequential Input/Output and Sequential/Random Create speed and CPU useage statistics.
test tool


Bonnie++ is a disk and file system benchmarking tool for measuring I/O performance. With Bonnie++ you can quickly and easily produce a meaningful value to represent your current file system performance.

Bonnie++ is not always part of a Linux distribution, hence it needs to be installed in the test image.

test description
This test case uses Bonnie++ to perform the tests below:
  • Create files in sequential order
  • Stat files in sequential order
  • Delete files in sequential order
  • Create files in random order
  • Stat files in random order
  • Delete files in random order

file: bonnie++.yaml (in the ‘samples’ directory)

file_size is set to 1024; ram_size is set to 512; test_dir is set to ‘/tmp’; concurrency is set to 1.

SLA is not available in this test case.


Test can be configured with different:

  • file_size - size fo the test file in MB. File size should be double RAM for good results;
  • ram_size - specify RAM size in MB to use, this is used to reduce testing time;
  • test_dir - this directory is where bonnie++ will create the benchmark operations;
  • test_user - the user who should perform the test. This is not required if you are not running as root;
  • concurrency - number of thread to perform test;
usability This test case is used for executing Bonnie++ benchmark in VMs.



pre-test conditions The Bonnie++ distribution includes a ‘bon_csv2html’ Perl script, which takes the comma-separated values reported by Bonnie++ and generates an HTML page displaying them. To use this feature, bonnie++ is required to be install with yardstick (e.g. in yardstick docker).
test sequence description and expected result
step 1 A host VM with fio installed is booted.
step 2 Yardstick is connected with the host VM by using ssh.
step 3

Bonnie++ benchmark is invoked. Simulated IO operations are started. Logs are produced and stored.

Result: Logs are stored.

step 4 An HTML report is generated using bonnie++ benchmark results and stored under /tmp/bonnie.html.
step 5 The host VM is deleted.
test verdict None. Bonnie++ html report is generated.